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The International Society of
World Wide Stamp Collectors

Youth Champion of Champion from ISWSC

Darren Corapcioglu Our Society's champion took top honors at the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors' (AAPE) Youth Champion of Champions competition during the Minnesota Stamp Expo held July 18-20 in Crystal, Minn.

Darren Corapcioglu, from Germantown, Md., was crowned as 2014 Youth Grand Champion. The 14-year-old had earlier won our Society's award for the best use of worldwide stamps and material. His 16-page thematic exhibit, representing StampShow, was entitled "The Universe."

Darren Corapcioglu's Exhibit 'The Universe' He competeted against nine other exhibitors aged 10-17. The competition included 10 exhibits encompassing 22 frames. Exhibitors qualified for the championship by winning AAPE youth grand awards at nationally accredited shows in the U.S. and Canada during the April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014 season. In recognition of their high level of achievement, all participants received Fran Jennings memorial medals. Awards consisted of cash and memberships; all participants received merit certificates and ribbons.

"I have lived in Texas and Turkey," Corapcioglu said "and I just graduated from the Robert Clemente Middle School. Next year, I'll be attending the magnet program at the Poolesville High School."

He started collecting stamps with his father about six years ago. "My dad and I visit stamp shows together to find stamps I like to collect. I first showed my 'The Universe' exhibit at BALPEX 2012," he said, adding that he received a Vermeil medal at Brasiliana 2013. In addition to collecting stamps, he enjoys competitive soccer and swimming.

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